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Darko Trajkoski has completed postgraduates studies of criminal law at University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius – Faculty of Law “Justinianus Primus” . In October 2015 he stared working as an intern at the First Instance Public Prosecutor's Office at Skopje. In August 2016 he started working as an Intern at ''Public Prosecutor’s Office for Prosecuting Criminal Offences Related to and Arising from the Content of the Illegally Intercepted Communications'' where later in October the same year he started working as a Junior Legal Associate. He became part of the team in the Law office Filip Medarski since November 2020 as a Junior Legal Associate where later on January 2021 he continues as a Lawyer. He specializes in the filed of criminal law.


Law firm Filip Medarski from Skopje works in the following areas: criminal law, civil law, freedom of expression, commercial law, labor law, administrative law, tax law, corporate law, bankruptcy, liquidation, transformation of companies, acquisition, merger, separation of companies, foreign investments, energy, concessions, obligations, the European Court of Human Rights, as well as all legal problems that our clients face.